I ran it last night, and the players assured me that it was fun. They exhibited the classic signs of enjoyment: laughter, taking me aside into a different room to plot against other characters, drinking, and horrified looks when I told them what some of the citizens of this city were doing to their first-borns.
You can probably tailor this scenario to any gaming system. Since it was meant to be a single session game, I chose DnD 3.5 and everyone was 20th level. I was inspired by this prompt on the RPG.net forums by Melan:
The Quake
I pregenerated the characters for everyone and cut up the character sheets into smaller sections (and placed each one into a zip lock bag so I wouldn't mix them up). They are referred to below as FIGHTER, DRUID, MONK, WIZARD, and ROGUE. The players started only with a drawing of themselves and their basic attributes. Special game
mechanic: Insight (wisdom based skill). You are granted a memory or part of
your character sheet. You may only trigger Insight when you try a
clever idea or encounter familiar items (gm discretion). When
players learn their names, they get the top of their character sheet. When
they make a successful strike with a weapon, they get their combat sheet. Successful
skill check means they learn their skill set, spells, etc, etc.
There have been multiple omens and fortune-tellings for years predicting that the earth will rend in half tonight. About half of the population doesn't think that the world is in any danger, and that this "Armageddon" is going to make some temples and rune shop keepers very rich. The other half of the population is very worried and many kinds of superstitions to protect themselves from the Quake abound. There are also a few fringe groups that believe that the Quake is actually a blessing that will bring forth a new world.
A powerful old wizard named Suleiman has put forth considerable energy and resources into researching this phenomenon and has concluded that the Quake is actually a strong Earth Elemental. It was locked underground millenia ago, and has finally started to break its chains. Suleiman re-discovered the series of rituals used to seal the Elemental away, and has been casting them with the help of his protege. As with all ancient magic, it involves a lot of sacrifice.
Suleiman has destroyed several villages in order to collect blood. A potion called Suffering is needed for the last ritual. Suffering is distilled from the blood of 1,000 victims. During the ritual, he is supposed to drink Suffering and uss its power to chant the magic words on the scroll. Once complete, Suleiman's life is forfeit and the Elemental will be sealed away for another five thousand years.
Unfortunately, there were some complications during the ritual when he tried to complete it this morning.
FIGHTER is one of Suleiman's guards, and he watched over the inner room as the ritual took place. Outside the room waited G'fratrah, FIGHTER's partner. They knew that Suleiman was supposed to die during the ritual, but they were instructed to make sure there were no interruptions. FIGHTER and G'fratrah planned to steal some of Suleiman's valuables after the ritual ended his life and meet in Midtons.
WIZARD has been helping Suleiman with the rituals. WIZARD has a cat familiar.
MONK arrived earlier in the month, hoping to look upon the evil face of Suleiman, who had destroyed his friends and family to make this potion. He had dissembled as to his true purpose there, saying that he was interested in becoming a guard at the school. Suleiman then invited him into the ritual, hoping that another guard would help protect against an assassin rumored to be in Sand's End.
was hired by MONK to assassinate Suleiman. He was promised payment
of 10,000 platinums directly after the kill. He has also been busy
this morning, stealing various valuable items from Suleiman's office.
He entered from the window, climbing down from an upper
DRUID is a member of one of the doomsday cults named Breaking Glory. They have made a home in the Oasis in the desert. Upon hearing of Suleiman's rituals, they sent out DRUID to interrupt him. DRUID is currently wild-shaped as a bird, and entered the ritual through the window that ROGUE left open. DRUID has a tiger animal companion.
The candles were lit, magic was crackling through the air, arcane words were spewed from Suleiman's mouth, and just before he uncorked the vial of Suffering, ROGUE stepped out from behind the curtains to stab Suleiman in the back. The resulting mystical energy wiped out everyone's memories, and they stand around in confusion.
This is a single-shot high-powered action adventure meant for 3-5 players. Any PC characters not chosen by the players is found dead (or unconscious and unwakeable) in the room with them. Any combination of PCs can be played, though I think that having the WIZARD in the group will help things run more smoothly. If any players come late, they can begin by waking up in the room with a puddle of blood in the center (G'fratrah or some guards will have already taken Suleiman's body away).
This game is part mystery, but mostly adventure. Keep the pace fast – after all, there is a potential Armageddon tonight! Technically, players can make it through the game without a single fight. However, don't shy away from PC death – this is a one-shot for a reason. If a PC dies, have them come back as any remaining pre-gen if not all were selected, or they can help you animate NPCs. If players are not sure where to go next, then pass out the next memory, or guards can capture them and drop them off in the Midton jail.
DRUID is a member of one of the doomsday cults named Breaking Glory. They have made a home in the Oasis in the desert. Upon hearing of Suleiman's rituals, they sent out DRUID to interrupt him. DRUID is currently wild-shaped as a bird, and entered the ritual through the window that ROGUE left open. DRUID has a tiger animal companion.
The candles were lit, magic was crackling through the air, arcane words were spewed from Suleiman's mouth, and just before he uncorked the vial of Suffering, ROGUE stepped out from behind the curtains to stab Suleiman in the back. The resulting mystical energy wiped out everyone's memories, and they stand around in confusion.
This is a single-shot high-powered action adventure meant for 3-5 players. Any PC characters not chosen by the players is found dead (or unconscious and unwakeable) in the room with them. Any combination of PCs can be played, though I think that having the WIZARD in the group will help things run more smoothly. If any players come late, they can begin by waking up in the room with a puddle of blood in the center (G'fratrah or some guards will have already taken Suleiman's body away).
This game is part mystery, but mostly adventure. Keep the pace fast – after all, there is a potential Armageddon tonight! Technically, players can make it through the game without a single fight. However, don't shy away from PC death – this is a one-shot for a reason. If a PC dies, have them come back as any remaining pre-gen if not all were selected, or they can help you animate NPCs. If players are not sure where to go next, then pass out the next memory, or guards can capture them and drop them off in the Midton jail.
If the players decide not to do the ritual or destroy the Quake (they run off and do something completely off the rails), drop as many “end of the world” hints as you can, then have them never wake up from their slumber that night, as they died when the Quake split the earth in two.
Random or pick between: A
Raven (DRUID in wildshape), Female Human in half-plate (FIGHTER), Female Human with no armor (MONK), Female
Elf in robes (WIZARD), and a Male Halfling with many weapons (ROGUE). DRUID starts with her full Raven form character sheet.
out ability scores
are all standing in the rich suite of an Indian-style palace.
Candles illuminate the grisly corpse of a red-robed man (and other
unchosen PCs) now lying dead on his cushions and bleeding profusely.
Some of you are holding these weird metal tuning fork looking things.
The curtains are drawn, the doors are closed and nobody other than
this group seems to have noticed what has happened yet. A cat
wanders around the room, seemingly as confused as everyone else. It
eventually decides to hiss at the raven. Each of you feels strange,
like something is clouding your mind. You don't recognize any faces
around you, and you're not entirely sure of your own name. An owl on
a ledge begins to hoot forlornly.
out memory 1.
out money (not druid). Change the descriptions based on your own pre-gens, but note the magic items, as they will stand out among their ordinary possessions. Do not give them their sheet with gear labeled on it until they make a successful Insight check based on it.
You find that you are wearing high-quality fabrics and armors engraved with various runes, set with rich crystals, and so on. The weapons and other items in your stash also seem to be made of the very finest materials. They feel sturdy and comfortable.
You find that you are wearing high-quality fabrics and armors engraved with various runes, set with rich crystals, and so on. The weapons and other items in your stash also seem to be made of the very finest materials. They feel sturdy and comfortable.
you have two bottles of two different eldritch potion, a heavy key
tied to your wrist, and the band identifies it as being from the Bank
of Sand's End. Your robe is marked with the night sky, and a large
red amulet hangs from your neck. An engraved crossbow and its bolts
are strapped to your back.
(the raven), you have a small twig in your beak.
you have a small arsenal with you. A Quarterstaff is strapped to
your back, and a shortsword and mace are slung at your hips. You have
one potion strapped to your belt, and several rings on your hands. ROGUE SECRET:
the shortsword has a streak of fresh blood on it, and a backpack
is filled with arcane items of varying values.
WIZARD, you have an old leather bound book filled with strange symbols.
WIZARD, you have an old leather bound book filled with strange symbols.
you have a light mace wielded in your hands, and a Composite Longbow
with Arrows on your back. A heavy helm rests on your head, and a long
robe almost obscures your finely decorated half-plate from view. On
your belt are two potions.
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There is a scroll with Magic symbols on the floor next to the red-robed man. Anyone who can read magic will be able to tell that it is a ritual that involves sacrifice. A major spell component is a potion called Suffering. On the red-robed man is nothing of value, but he does have a vial filled with dark red liquid. The owl flutters its wings uncomfortably and comes down to rest on the red-robed man's arm. He pecks at anyone who tries to take the vial, but it doesn't hurt and they can take the vial with minor fuss.
There is a scroll with Magic symbols on the floor next to the red-robed man. Anyone who can read magic will be able to tell that it is a ritual that involves sacrifice. A major spell component is a potion called Suffering. On the red-robed man is nothing of value, but he does have a vial filled with dark red liquid. The owl flutters its wings uncomfortably and comes down to rest on the red-robed man's arm. He pecks at anyone who tries to take the vial, but it doesn't hurt and they can take the vial with minor fuss.
The noon sunlight
brightens the room instantly. A bustling city-scape surrounds this
building, in which you surmise that you must be situated at least 4
stories high. You are overlooking a wide through-way, where drudges,
sellers, buskers, and horses traverse. A few food market stalls line
the left side of the street. The glass windows have a latch to swing
them open. One of them is unlatched.
Some light music, and
shuffling around every few minutes. Someone is on the other side.
A looming half-orc turns
towards the door and steps aside for them. He grunts, “How did it
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recognizes FIGHTER with a head nod. He seems unconcerned that
various people in the room are dead, if he notices them. After closing the room off, he warns the group to get out of town fast,
telling FIGHTER that he ought to go with them until the heat dies
He glances at the party with concern. “Where is FIGHTER?” He
grows concerned if FIGHTER turns out to be unconscious, and then
turns to the rest of the party members. “What happened here?” he
barks out, clearly angered. G'fratrah
knows FIGHTER and WIZARD'S name. If it comes up during this conversation, the players receive the top of their character sheet
The rest of the building is filled with bright colors, shelves of arcane books, and young people rushing from place to place. Some of the ornately carved doors have more guardians outside of them, and they track your movements with a flicker of their eyes. A spiral staircase leads you down to the first floor, where two more guards look at ROGUE with alarm. They stop the group and ask FIGHTER, “When did they arrive?” If the answer is not satisfactory, they alert the guards at the door, making a group of 4 that will attempt to take the PCs to law enforcement.
WIZARD feels drawn to the upper floors. Perhaps you've walked along this path a lot, you think to yourself. If you let your feet do the walking for you, you end up in an office (Suleiman's office). At the desk is a single sheet of paper written on with black ink:
I am old, and my life has been filled with great things. I leave behind a legacy of blood. My only regret is that I had to take so many with me. Please bury my body in the temple by the square with my wand.
Other items around the room include skulls with glowing eyes, red crystals hanging from the ceiling, various runes carved into the woodwork of the chair and desk. SEARCH check to discover that some shelves seem recently emptied of their contents.
The city of Sand's End is terribly large, sprawling with shops, taverns, and people. Some doors have streaks of red blood forming an X mark on them, and about half of the populace looks rushed and frightened. If you have a home in this city, you're not certain you would be able to find it even if you knocked on doors for weeks. Sand lines the streets and sticks in your lungs – most others are wearing light scarves to make breathing easier. At the city gates are 4 visible guards. One exit leads to Midton, which lies further into the desert. Beyond that, the only survivable landmark is the Oasis.
1-10: They believe in the Quake and are settling their affairs and planning to spend the day/night with their loved ones.
“Don't stay away from home too long,”
“The seer down the street said, she said it would be tonight, did you hear? Better get right with yourself in here (tap heart), you know?”
“I'm not too worried about it all. Me and missus have protected our home by sacrificing our first-born. It's tough, but it's better for one to go than all of us.”
11-20: They do not believe anything apocalyptic is about to happen.
“Those backwards swine are sacrificing their own kids. Of course I don't believe the Quake's rising tonight, or any night,”
“Stupid superstition for simple people,”
people are going out to the Oasis to worship the Quake, I hope they
get caught in a sandstorm.”
As the PCs walk through some of the streets hoping to spark recognition in their minds, they must make a SPOT check. A tattered WANTED poster with a picture of ROGUE is on it, and the reward is 100,000 GP. It goes on to explain that ROGUE is guilty of murder and theft, and warns that ROGUE is a very dangerous assassin.
Four guards stand outside the doors to the bank. If ROGUE is not disguised, then they will recognize him and refuse him entry. They will not engage in a fight or alert authorities unless ROGUE initiates it or attempts to enter the building – they are employed by the bank, not the city, and they do not want trouble. In fact, they will deny seeing ROGUE to city guards if asked. Inside, the bank is large and intimidating. Tellers line the far wall, and only a few patrons are gathered. A heavy door with locks and chains is on the left, with four more guards outside it. To the right is an ordinary door with a single guard. A gnomish teller inside recognizes MONK immediately. “Back again?” He hops off of his stool. “I hope you're not nervous about tonight, it's just a silly superstition. Everything's quite safe!” his chattering attempts to reassure MONK. He walks up to a short desk that has a small stack of forms. “What can I do for you today?”
If MONK wants to see her safety deposit box, the gnome
will pull a form from the pile and stamp a few sections, then ask
for MONK's signature. INSIGHT check for MONK's name. If MONK signs without hesitation, the gnome
will not even glance at it. If MONK hesitates, the gnome will
scrutinize it. If it's not her name, then he will deny entry. “So
sorry,” he'll mumble, “It has to match otherwise I'll catch hell
from my boss.” If the MONK is granted entry, the gnome will lead her and
one other PC through the door with a single guard.
Beyond that door is a long hallway with even more guards lining the walls. After a few twists and turns, MONK is faced with a cabinet. “Everything's here,” the teller assures MONK. The teller then steps around the corner to give them some privacy. The key that MONK has opens up the cabinet easily, revealing 10,000 platinum pieces. No other treasures.
A very large tiger stalks behind the group silently. Its teeth and claws are enlarged beyond those of ordinary tigers. If DRUID is not part of the group, he springs at them, ready for a fight. If DRUID is part of the group, he growls at everyone threateningly but does not make the first move.
If the group ends up in jail, then ridicule them. The jail is in Midton, and aside from a drunkard (he is a Member of Breaking Glory) in one of the cells, your group is all alone. They confiscate your weapons and potions, but leave everything else on. There are three jail cells, no windows, one entrance. Outside the doors are two stationed guards.
A ramshackle area outside of Sand's End marked with a general store, tavern, jail and a few scattered hovels. The tavern here sells only one type of ale called Dragon's Breath, and the only other store is a general store that provides Desert Gear and Mounts. The purveyor notices that a lot of people have been making the trek out today, and many of his supplies are low. However, none of them needed mounts, so he has plenty of those. G'fratrah is not in Midton.
An hour or two ride out from Midton, you wonder if you'll actually reach it. The air is dry and filled with sand particles. The sun bleaches your eyesight and after only one hour, you begin seeing mirages of a paradise just over the horizon. As you travel, the sand beneath your mount's feet trembles intermittently. Another hour passes before you think you see a bird flying in the distance. The Oasis is truly such – water, trees, and thriving animal life in the middle of this harsh desert. Some people have taken up tents around the Oasis and seem to get along with the local wildlife just fine. If DRUID approaches, a few may recognize him. They are all members of Breaking Glory and welcome him into the ranks. They are delighted at news of Suleiman's death.
If it's still early in the session and the PCs are not plotting their own things, create conflict between Breaking Glory (Druids and their Animal Companions) and the PCs (they could recognize FIGHTER and WIZARD as Suleiman's accomplices, or they see the taint of death on ROGUE). If not, move on to nighttime.
The ground shakes even more as it approaches sun-down. The water drains rapidly from the spring, and Breaking Glory has backed away from the Oasis, watching from the edge where the desert borders the quickly diminishing paradise. A large creaking sound finally gives way to a crack, and the earth's crust bursts open. From the massive break in the surface, a gargantuan creature rises forth, its scales shimmering even as sand sticks to it. It screeches infernally, then spreads its wings to fly. As it climbs into the sky, you feel awed by this magnificent creature (frightful presence) and panic at even the idea of raising a weapon against it. Surely nothing you wield could penetrate its hide, let alone do any sort of damage. Quake's mouth opens wide and sprays a streak of acid at the scattered members of Breaking Glory, killing 5 of them instantly. Its gaze turns towards you.
FIGHTERThe rest of the building is filled with bright colors, shelves of arcane books, and young people rushing from place to place. Some of the ornately carved doors have more guardians outside of them, and they track your movements with a flicker of their eyes. A spiral staircase leads you down to the first floor, where two more guards look at ROGUE with alarm. They stop the group and ask FIGHTER, “When did they arrive?” If the answer is not satisfactory, they alert the guards at the door, making a group of 4 that will attempt to take the PCs to law enforcement.
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WIZARD feels drawn to the upper floors. Perhaps you've walked along this path a lot, you think to yourself. If you let your feet do the walking for you, you end up in an office (Suleiman's office). At the desk is a single sheet of paper written on with black ink:
I am old, and my life has been filled with great things. I leave behind a legacy of blood. My only regret is that I had to take so many with me. Please bury my body in the temple by the square with my wand.
Other items around the room include skulls with glowing eyes, red crystals hanging from the ceiling, various runes carved into the woodwork of the chair and desk. SEARCH check to discover that some shelves seem recently emptied of their contents.
The city of Sand's End is terribly large, sprawling with shops, taverns, and people. Some doors have streaks of red blood forming an X mark on them, and about half of the populace looks rushed and frightened. If you have a home in this city, you're not certain you would be able to find it even if you knocked on doors for weeks. Sand lines the streets and sticks in your lungs – most others are wearing light scarves to make breathing easier. At the city gates are 4 visible guards. One exit leads to Midton, which lies further into the desert. Beyond that, the only survivable landmark is the Oasis.
1-10: They believe in the Quake and are settling their affairs and planning to spend the day/night with their loved ones.
“Don't stay away from home too long,”
“The seer down the street said, she said it would be tonight, did you hear? Better get right with yourself in here (tap heart), you know?”
“I'm not too worried about it all. Me and missus have protected our home by sacrificing our first-born. It's tough, but it's better for one to go than all of us.”
11-20: They do not believe anything apocalyptic is about to happen.
“Those backwards swine are sacrificing their own kids. Of course I don't believe the Quake's rising tonight, or any night,”
“Stupid superstition for simple people,”
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As the PCs walk through some of the streets hoping to spark recognition in their minds, they must make a SPOT check. A tattered WANTED poster with a picture of ROGUE is on it, and the reward is 100,000 GP. It goes on to explain that ROGUE is guilty of murder and theft, and warns that ROGUE is a very dangerous assassin.
Four guards stand outside the doors to the bank. If ROGUE is not disguised, then they will recognize him and refuse him entry. They will not engage in a fight or alert authorities unless ROGUE initiates it or attempts to enter the building – they are employed by the bank, not the city, and they do not want trouble. In fact, they will deny seeing ROGUE to city guards if asked. Inside, the bank is large and intimidating. Tellers line the far wall, and only a few patrons are gathered. A heavy door with locks and chains is on the left, with four more guards outside it. To the right is an ordinary door with a single guard. A gnomish teller inside recognizes MONK immediately. “Back again?” He hops off of his stool. “I hope you're not nervous about tonight, it's just a silly superstition. Everything's quite safe!” his chattering attempts to reassure MONK. He walks up to a short desk that has a small stack of forms. “What can I do for you today?”
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Beyond that door is a long hallway with even more guards lining the walls. After a few twists and turns, MONK is faced with a cabinet. “Everything's here,” the teller assures MONK. The teller then steps around the corner to give them some privacy. The key that MONK has opens up the cabinet easily, revealing 10,000 platinum pieces. No other treasures.
A very large tiger stalks behind the group silently. Its teeth and claws are enlarged beyond those of ordinary tigers. If DRUID is not part of the group, he springs at them, ready for a fight. If DRUID is part of the group, he growls at everyone threateningly but does not make the first move.
If the group ends up in jail, then ridicule them. The jail is in Midton, and aside from a drunkard (he is a Member of Breaking Glory) in one of the cells, your group is all alone. They confiscate your weapons and potions, but leave everything else on. There are three jail cells, no windows, one entrance. Outside the doors are two stationed guards.
A ramshackle area outside of Sand's End marked with a general store, tavern, jail and a few scattered hovels. The tavern here sells only one type of ale called Dragon's Breath, and the only other store is a general store that provides Desert Gear and Mounts. The purveyor notices that a lot of people have been making the trek out today, and many of his supplies are low. However, none of them needed mounts, so he has plenty of those. G'fratrah is not in Midton.
An hour or two ride out from Midton, you wonder if you'll actually reach it. The air is dry and filled with sand particles. The sun bleaches your eyesight and after only one hour, you begin seeing mirages of a paradise just over the horizon. As you travel, the sand beneath your mount's feet trembles intermittently. Another hour passes before you think you see a bird flying in the distance. The Oasis is truly such – water, trees, and thriving animal life in the middle of this harsh desert. Some people have taken up tents around the Oasis and seem to get along with the local wildlife just fine. If DRUID approaches, a few may recognize him. They are all members of Breaking Glory and welcome him into the ranks. They are delighted at news of Suleiman's death.
If it's still early in the session and the PCs are not plotting their own things, create conflict between Breaking Glory (Druids and their Animal Companions) and the PCs (they could recognize FIGHTER and WIZARD as Suleiman's accomplices, or they see the taint of death on ROGUE). If not, move on to nighttime.
The ground shakes even more as it approaches sun-down. The water drains rapidly from the spring, and Breaking Glory has backed away from the Oasis, watching from the edge where the desert borders the quickly diminishing paradise. A large creaking sound finally gives way to a crack, and the earth's crust bursts open. From the massive break in the surface, a gargantuan creature rises forth, its scales shimmering even as sand sticks to it. It screeches infernally, then spreads its wings to fly. As it climbs into the sky, you feel awed by this magnificent creature (frightful presence) and panic at even the idea of raising a weapon against it. Surely nothing you wield could penetrate its hide, let alone do any sort of damage. Quake's mouth opens wide and sprays a streak of acid at the scattered members of Breaking Glory, killing 5 of them instantly. Its gaze turns towards you.
Memory 1: You've worked with G'fratrah many years, protecting something.
Memory 2: The red-robed man was supposed to die today.
Memory 3: You're supposed to meet someone in Midton.
GOAL: Meet G'fratrah in Midton, where you will split the ill-gotten loot of the late Suleiman with ROGUE.
Memory 1: You're glad the red-robed man is dead.
Memory 2: You hired someone to do something important today.
Memory 3: You miss your family, friends, and hometown. The red-robed man killed them.
Memory 4: The red-robed man told you that everyone died because of an evil thing in the desert, and he seemed sad about it.
GOAL: Kill the WIZARD for his part in destroying your hometown and all you love.
Memory 1: It was not supposed to happen this way.
Memory 2: The red-robed man was your mentor.
Memory 4: The Quake is real, and it is going to split the earth tonight at the Oasis.
Memory 5: You can't stop this evil unless you sacrifice yourself in a specific ritual, as it was supposed to happen this morning.
GOAL: Complete the ritual that will destroy the Quake.
Memory 1: Mission accomplished!
Memory 2: You were supposed to get cash directly afterward.
Memory 3: You're supposed to meet G'fratrah and a friend in Midton.
Memory 4: You hope the red-robed man wasn't in the middle of something important before he died.
GOAL: Get your money from MONK.
Memory 1: Chirp!
Memory 2: You have a deep connection with the earth.
Memory 3: The red-robed man was going to destroy the Quake. You're glad he's dead.
Memory 4: There are others like you that want the earth to rise again.
Goal: Witness the Quake rising at the Oasis.
DM checklist
1. Edit above scenario if needed, print out.
2. Pregen 5 characters - MONK, DRUID, WIZARD, FIGHTER, and ROGUE.
3. Stat out G'fratrah, random guards, and the Quake (I used a dragon).
4. Cut up character sheets, memories, and organize.
5. Basic game readiness.
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I used a whiteboard to organize everything. |
I used a random character generator for their characters. That was mostly due to time constraints, as I believed I only had one night to pull this game together. They were mostly fine, but some of the stats were just too low, some skills didn't make sense, and they weren't fully outfitted.
I don't think that the Oasis needs to be somewhere out in the distant desert. Somewhere in the city, like a temple, would be fine. That way if the characters split up (they did), then everyone can easily meet back up again when witnessing the Quake's rise. And destruction of a city that's potentially their home is more interesting than a random place in the desert.
In my game last night, the MONK ran from the scene, the ROGUE freaked out at the bloody sword, the DRUID stayed in raven form for almost the whole game, and the FIGHTER ordered around all of the guards. The ROGUE started a money riot in order to escape a chasing guard, the Quake obliterated the Oasis, and the WIZARD sacrificed himself to perform the ritual. A lot of the side-quests were done and 3 characters fulfilled their goals, but the game went in a totally different direction than I thought it would. However, my larger goal for this game was met: the players were engaged in the amnesia aspect but not to the detriment of the adventure. They were motivated to find out more memories, test out their character's abilities, and find out more about the Quake. In all, the session lasted about 6 hours.